Aidin Biibosunov

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Family Tree

Posted at — Jun 15, 2023
Last updated at — Jul 9, 2023

At some point in life, a person gets interested in his identity. And one thing that contributes to it is his unique heritage. In general, by understanding our ancestor’s triumphs, struggles, and stories, we gain insight into our own identities and develop a stronger sense of belonging.

About five years ago I started to record my family tree and found this website Family Echo. Among other features, it is: free, private, and printable. You can share it with other members of your family and expand it together! You can also add photos and bios to each member. Last but not least, create a backup by downloading it to a local machine.

I imagine it can come in handy when meeting with distant relatives. You can fast check how you are related.

Excerpt of my tree

[ To enlarge the images click on the them! ]

Certainly, it is convenient when you can consult with someone who knows most of your relatives. In my case, it is my grandma (Ene). Otherwise, one might need to collect the information peace by peace - or relative by relative. Though, I started it years ago still it is far from completion.

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