Aidin Biibosunov

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Speech in Munich

Posted at — Sep 23, 2022
Last updated at — Mar 25, 2023

The photo was provided by Danil

This is the speech I wrote during the events of invasion of Kyrgyzstan by Tajikistan.

Dear world community and citizens of Tajikistan, on behalf of all the people who gathered here I want to convey the following message:

First, citizens of Kyrgyzstan are peaceful and I strongly believe the citizens of Tajikistan are too. We live in the 21st century and so we have the tools to work out problems in a civilized manner. And indeed it is possible. For instance, we have already demarcated the border with our common neighbor, namely Uzbekistan. Thus, I don’t see any reasons why we can’t settle our disputes the same way by finding a common ground.

Second, we are not your enemies. However, we have shared obstacles to overcome. Our countries are poor and we have a lot of our own internal problems. We should focus on them. Instead of violence, we should create opportunities for people to develop themselves. To eventually have a flourishing, prosperous society. Moreover, there are negative effects of climate change in our region. Such as, increasing glacier melt and the loss of biodiversity. We can work together to build a better future for generations to come. We have more in common than that which divides us.

In conclusion, I want to repeat that we want peace. There is an easy way and there is a hard way. I know, often diplomacy is not the fastest nor the easiest way but it is the right way. History shows that using military, aggressive means to deal with territorial disputes doesn’t bring lasting peace. Any current or future conflict must be resolved using diplomacy. Please, no more violence.

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