Created: 2024-11-11 Mon 14:07
Эрежелерди бузгандыгы үчүн кесепеттер:
Конкреттүү эреже бузууларга байланыштуу кесепеттер:
Цель: создать обстановку в классе для успешного обучения
Последствия, связанные с конкретными нарушениями:
The goal of punishment is to enforce compliance with the rules by using external controls or authoritarian discipline.
While effective in stopping the misbehavior of the moment, punishment does little to increase student responsibility. Punishment often leads to feelings of anger, discouragement and resentment, and an increase in evasion and deception.
The Goal of Logical Consequences
The goal of logical consequences is to help children develop internal understanding, self-control, and a desire to follow the rules.
Logical consequences help children look more closely at their behaviors and consider the results of their choices. Unlike punishment, where the intention is to make a child feel shamed, the intention of logical consequences is to help children develop internal controls and to learn from their mistakes in a supportive atmosphere.